Tuesday, February 7

If your Super Junior boyfriend took you on the surprize vacation

*The situation was requested by a reader if you have any situation you want to request please comment…the more comment I received that more inspiration I get!*

Heechul: “TA DA” You open your eyes and it says welcome to Las Vegas. You: Our trip is in Las Vegas? Heechul smirking: This is the type of place for your, truly. Look at how bright it is…and there are even show girls. You: WHAT? Heechul glaring at you: If you want you can be my show girl *hehe* he give you a hug from behind. You: Oppa! Look there’s a magic show going on. Heechul: aigoo I can give you magic too *smirk* he grabbed you by the hand just in case you two get lost. You: OMO! The magician is so cool. The magician took out a rose from the sky and gives it to you. Heechul: YO MAN YO SHE’S MINE. Magician *stares* Heechul: Do you know Super Junior? WORLD STAR, me Heechul. You: oh great here he go again. (A BF who love to self-praise himself)

Hangeng: “Oppa I’m scare where are we going?” Hangeng: Be patient we’re almost here, okay open your eyes!” You open your eyes and you’re in a market place in Bejing. You: Oppa are we in? Hangeng speaking in Chinese: Shi! Wǒmen zài běijīng! (Yes we are in Beijing) You couldn’t stop staring at the large crowd of people and the amazing delicious smell of the night market food. Hangeng: I know I have always been telling you that I want to take you to China to show you around and *sigh* I was afraid if I told you about it ahead of time it wouldn’t be special so I decided to just take you here randomly. You smiling: Oppa…… Hangeng: You should feel special you’re the first girl I took here and giving you a private tour of Beijing. You: Really? Where are we going to go? Hangeng: The night Market, and then to my mom shop so I can introduce you to her. You: Aiya I’m…. Hangeng smiling: Don’t be nervous I know she would love you like how I do. (A BF who takes you to his home country)

Donghae: “Oppa you told me you were going to take me to Taiwan for our trip and we are here but you have to go to work T-T” Donghae: Mianhae I have to go to the filming session for my drama but why won’t you go sightseeing yourself? Donghae hanged up his phone and you gave out a sigh and decided to head out on your own. You seem lost and confuse when a driver was waiting in front of the hotel for you. Driver: Hello we are here to take you on a tour! You: Erm….how do I know you’re here for me? The driver shows you a paper with your name written on it. You got into the carriage like car and they took you around Taipei. Until it suddenly stop at a huge Ferris wheel in front of you. Donghae who was wearing a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt looks at you with a smile. You: Oppa! You lied to me hmph! Donghae: Ani Ani I really was at my drama shooting, but I was also preparing this surprise for you! Donghae: We are going to ride the Miramar Ferris Wheel and then we can go to Danshui fisherman wharf to eat some seafood. I decided to take you here because you kept telling me about the nice Ferris wheel in Taiwanese dramas. You couldn’t take it anymore and kiss Donghae on the lips. (A BF who takes you along to his work but also surprises you)

Eunhyuk: “Here we are the land of Eunhyukkie fans!” You look at the sign and it says welcome to Phuket, Thailand. You: Of course oppa would take me to Thailand. Eunhyuk smiling: Phuket is amazing I mean look at the view it’s so pretty. Eunhyuk and you got off the car and you two walk into your hotel. The hotel was facing few inches away from the beach. Eunhyuk: Here you go *he gives you one key* He looked at you as you take the key and started to laugh. Eunhyuk: You thought we were going to be in the same room huh you naughty girl! You: Ani! You hit him. Eunhyuk: Ahhh but you just wait until we come back here for our honeymoon hehe. You: Do you want to die? Eunhyuk: You don’t have to worry our hotel is close to each other if you ever need me you can always call me! You chase after Eunhyuk who kept teasing you. (A BF that takes you on an adventure in Thailand)

Siwon: “Do you like it here?” You: I’ve never been to Jeju Island before it’s amazing here. Siwon: I know and our hotel is even in the water. You: Oppa but I can’t swim what if something happen? Siwon smiling: You don’t have to worry I’m here for you and plus you’re light as a feather. Come on I want to take you somewhere. He grabbed your hands and he drove you to a place outside the island. Siwon took you inside and it was the teddy bear Museum. You: Oppa! Siwon smiling: I know…this is a normal thing for tourists to do when they go to Jeju Island. Oh and look what I got us it’s personalized. You look at the teddy bears that Siwon had customized just for you two. Siwon: You can have my teddy bear it looks just like me and I will keep your teddy bear safe because it’s so cute. You couldn’t do anything but just smile and wondering if this whole thing was real or just a dream. Siwon: Excuse me ahjumma can you take a picture for me? Siwon and you took pictures together with his camera. Ahjumma: You two look cute together. (A BF who takes you to Jeju island and bought customized couple teddy bears for you)

Kibum: “It’s been awhile since I came back here.” You: Los Angeles o_o! Kibum: Ani Ani its San Francisco hehe mianhae I would take you to Los Angeles after we finished our trip in San Francisco. You: Okay oppa what is our agenda for tonight? Kibum smiling: How about we go to twins’ peak! You: Twins peak? Like it’s identical twins? Kibum laughing: Ani Ani it’s just two peaks that you can see the whole San Francisco. Come on lets go there before the sun set :) You guys finally reach to the top of the peak and you were amazed at the sunset view and you could see the golden gate bridge from where you were standing. Kibum: So do you like it? You: Yeah I love it I mean you never have done these kinds of things for me. Kibum smiling: Well you know I can be romantic too at times. Kibum hold your hands and you two sat on the rocks and you put your head on his shoulder admiring the nice view. (A BF who takes you to a calm and amazing view in America)

Shindong: “I love this place Sokcho,Korea!” You: There’s so many food here. Shindong: Gyuri keep talking about it when we were djing and I thought this is the place I want to take you to. Sokcho is known for their seafood mostly their Sashimi. I heard it’s so fresh it’s amazing. You: Oppa don’t make me drool now! Shindong: Let’s go to their open grill restaurant its right next to the beach. I bet you would love it. We can grill shrimps, fish, oh my god even octopus. You and Shindong put your luggage in your room and ran out together. The two of you went to the open grill restaurant. Shindong was grilling a large shrimp and usually you would assume Shindong eating it first but instead he gave it to you. He started to blow the shrimp so it wouldn’t be too hot for you. (A BF who takes you on a food adventure and prepare the food for you)

Kangin: “Oppa why are we at Boryeong?” Kangin: It’s because there’s an annual mud festival here and I thought a foreigner like you would probably want to go. You: Oh so is oppa going to be one of those mud wrestler then? Kangin: Look at you being naughty this body *points at himself* is too good to be shown to the world and plus I’m Super Junior Number 1 handsome guy what if my face get smash in the mud then it would look ugly. You pinched Kangin face and say “Ahh oppa you’re so cute :)” Kangin: Hmph I’m not cute why are you saying I’m cute and stomp his foot. You: Look at you oppa being all cutesy. Kangin pouting: Ani Oppa isn’t cute. You: Aigooo your cuteness is kind of making me sick. Kangin: What did you say you….. He chased after you as you run toward the hotel. (A BF who thought of you first when he think about things you haven’t done in Korea)

Leeteuk: “I know what you’re thinking this isn’t really a vacation but oppa is a really busy person and I also want to go on vacation with you but this is the closest thing I can do.” You look in Leeteuk eyes; his eyes were sincere about his special vacation for you. Although both of you guys didn’t go to Paris or somewhere far, but for some odd reason the Seoul Tower looks different from the last time you went there. You: Oppa its fine I love the Seoul tower and the fact that this time I am with you and not alone it made me feel complete. Stranger whispering: Is he Leeteuk from Super Junior? You: Oppa isn’t it risky to have me out here with you? Leeteuk hugged you from behind and say “To me it doesn’t matter what people say or think….I just want to spend these pass hours with you, as for consequences I will face them tomorrow. Like how I protect my fans and Super Junior I would protect you until the end. You two look outside the glass windows. (A BF who feel sorry for not giving you a proper vacation)

Ryeowook: “Hawaii here we are!” You: I can’t believe SM let you go to Hawaii. Ryeowook smiling: It took a lot of effort and food but I finally persuaded my manager to let me go here for you. You: I love it here Maui it’s so pretty. Ryewook: We are going to stay here for about 3 days and then we are going to travel other island. You: Super Junior oppas would be jealous. Ryeowook: Of course they would they haven’t been to Hawaii and I got to be here first hehe. Of course though it would not be fun without my girlfriend with me. He gave you a hug and took your bags for you. Ryeowook: Come on we should hurry I heard there this cool fire show that will start at 8pm and I remember you say you like to see something cool like that. You smiled and walk behind Ryeowook but he stop and he grabbed your hands. Ryeowook: You’re here as my girlfriend, not as a pretend coordinator. (A BF who took you to a place he always wanted to go)

Yesung: “Oppa why are we on this ship?” Yesung looking at his phone: It’s the Niagara Falls in Canada rumors has it the falls is really mystical and famous on making your wish comes true. You trying to wear your rain coat but you’re struggling with it. “But…what do you need to wish for?” Yesung smile at you struggling and he walked over and help you put on your rain coat. Yesung: I don’t need to wish for anything I already have everything I need. You: Oh is that so? It must be Super Junior and Ryeowook huh? You smiled and walked outside to see the falls up close. Yesung walking up to you: YAH how many times have I told you that Ryeowook and I am a pair in super junior, but I love you more! You: HEHE I rather have Yewook though ^^ Yesung: You’re making me jealous. Announcer: We are going through the falls make sure you have your hoodies on. The ship went through the falls and you screamed Yesung hugged you and try to cover the water for you with his hands. Yesung speaking loudly: MAKE A WISH MAKE A WISH. You: MY WISH IS TO HAVE KIM JONG WOON with me forever! Yesung smiled: I WISH I CAN LOVE YOU FOR A LONG TIME. He hugged you closely (A BF who is sweet and cute taking you on a boat adventure)

Sungmin: “I’ve only been here once for SM Town but I loved it so much I had to take you here again.” You: Paris omo oppa are we really in Paris. Sungmin smiling: Well aren’t we standing infront the Eiffel tower? You: T-T it look so real that I am scare it’s a dream and when I wake up this whole scenery is gone. Sungmin pinches your cheeks. You: Ouch oppa what was that for? Sungmin: its real see you can feel the pain. You smiling: Thanks oppa this is the best vacation ever. Sungmin: Now you’re just lying how can it be the best if we just barely starting. You: Because I have you with me. Sungmin: Yah I was just going to tell you that. He gave you a hug “In the world I thought the only things I was afraid of losing was Super Junior and elfs but now I realized I’m more afraid of losing you.” You: Oppa you will never lose me even if you let me go I would be glue stuck to you forever. (A BF who takes you to Paris because he want to share his favorite moments with you)

Kyuhyun: “Are you okay?” Kyuhyun: Yeah why are you asking me if I am okay are you okay? You: Well I mean oppa you’re never the lovey dovey type and the fact that you took me to Tokyo and even took me around I mean this is the first time you ever planned something. Kyuhyun smirking: Okay the truth is I took you here because I want to go and get this new game edition that is going to be released in Japan first. You: I knew it was about your games you would never take me on a trip unless you gain something. Kyuhyun smirking: Are you getting mad? *Flash back* You: Why do you always kisses me when you make me mad! Kyuhyun: It’s because you’re cute when you’re mad it makes me want to kiss you! You remember what Kyuhyun had said before and you shook your head. Kyuhyun smirking: Are you thinking about what I say when I see you’re mad? You: NO! Kyuhyun: Hey look what’s that? You turn around and there was nothing “Wow really that was just…..” Out of nowhere Kyuhyun kissed you in front of everyone. (A BF who always do something unexpectedly)
Credit to: DeDe@Kidolsblog/ @Super_DeDe

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